Blender3d/Blender Documentation Volume 1-User Guide/Modelling, Materials and Lights
- จัดการกับโมเดล,ลวดลาย และแสงสว่าง
- ออพเจคโหมด
- Basic Mesh Modelling
- ออพเจคพื้นฐาน
- EditMode
- Structures: Vertices, Edges and Faces
- Vertex, Edge and Face Modes
- Basic Editing
- Mesh Undo
- Smoothing
- Extrude
- The Blade
- The Handle
- The Hilt
- Spin and SpinDup
- Spin
- SpinDup
- Screw
- Warp Tool
- Object Hooks
- Adding hooks
- Using hooks
- EditMode options
- Hooks panel
- Advanced Mesh Modelling
- Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
- Weighted creases for subdivision surfaces
- Edge Tools
- Edge/Face select
- Face Loop Splitting
- Knife Tool
- Special Edge Tools
- Bevelling Tools
- Symmetrical Modelling
- Proportional Editing Tool
- Noise
- Decimator Tool
- Meta Objects
- Curves and Surfaces
- Curves
- Béziers
- Working example
- Surfaces
- Text
- Special Characters
- Extrude Along Path
- Curve Taper
- Curve Deform
- Introduction
- Interface
- Example
- Skinning
- Curves
- Materials and Textures
- Diffusion
- Specular Reflection
- Materials in practice
- Material Colors
- The Shaders
- Tweaking Materials
- Ramp Shaders
- Introduction
- Interface
- Example
- Raytracing Reflections
- Raytraced Transparencies
- Multiple Materials
- Special Materials
- Halo Materials
- Lens Flares
- Textures
- Textures
- Textures from the Material Point of View
- Textures themselves
- ImageTexture
- Environment Maps
- Displacement Maps
- Displacement Maps on Objects
- Interface
- Displacement Map usage
- Example
- Solid and Hollow Glass
- Solid Glass
- Hollow Glass
- UV Editor and FaceSelect
- Introduction
- The UV Editor
- Unwrapping tools
- Editing UV coordinates
- LSCM Unwrap
- Texture Paint
- Rendering and UV coordinates
- Unwrapping Suzanne
- Easy as it "seams"
- Unwrapping the mesh
- Stitching the Map
- Again, please ;-)
- Finishing it up
- What now ?
- Texture Plugins
- Textures
- Lighting
- Introduction
- Lamp Types
- Sun Light
- Hemi Light
- Lamp Light
- Spot Light
- Ray Shadows
- Buffer Shadows
- Volumetric Light
- Tweaking Light
- Three point light
- Three point light - Outdoor
- Area Light
- Global Illumination (and Global Shadowing)
- The World and The Universe